
April 9-10, 2025


Edinburgh, Scotland


Draft programme below

Reminder for the Delegation Trip to 
Edinburgh,Scotland: Healthcare Innovation Pathways April 9-10, 2025

A friendly reminder about the upcoming delegation trip to Scotland! Interested in learning and exchanging insights on optimizing innovation adoption? Join us on this exciting journey!

Swecare Foundation and Scottish Development International invite you to a delegation trip to Scotland, for round-table discussions and networking with representatives from NHS Scotland, Chief Scientist Office, Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre and local industry representatives. The focus is on focus on innovation adoption, through triple helix collaboration, and for quality and sustainability in healthcare. 

Hello Anna,

The two-day delegation is a great opportunity for Swedish healthcare companies to learn more about the policy environment and the market for innovation and sustainability in Scotland. The focus for the delegation is innovation adoption, the triple helix collaboration, and sustainability, with opportunities for the Swedish organizations that join us to meet stakeholders, share experiences and discuss challenges in these areas.Draft agenda below!

Described as one of Europe’s large Life Science clusters with around 770 life science organizations, together with a trend of increasing health spending, and GBP of 19.5 billion assigned to healthcare in the most recent budget, Scotland is on the rise when it comes healthcare. It´s undergoing significant transformation, driven by new technologies, adoption of the Triple Helix model, and with a focus on sustainability. 

Currently, Scottland is integrating digital health technologies, such as telemedicine and electronic health records. The "national innovation pathways" is designed to more quickly implement digital solutions in NHS Scotland. This has led to ground-breaking progress at the national level. The model can provide a roadmap and inspiration for other countries, for driving innovation and increasing access to care.

Scotland was the first UK health service to commit to a zero-net organisation, now developed into a sustainability strategy. 

All this taken together makes the visit to Scotland a unique opportunity to discuss and get inspired by the ongoing healthcare transformation, and a great reason to join the delegation. 

Draft Program

April 9 afternoon
Introduction to Health Systems and Priorities
Speakers from Chief Scientist Office and Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre, Swecare
Welcome and Context, brief overview of repspective health systems, priorities and challenges - comparative insights. Adressing

  • Inequalities 
  • Lifestyle and chronic diseases 
  • Prevention 
  • Remote care
  • The role of technology and Accelerated National Innovation Adoption (ANIA)
Clinical visit (TBC) 
Practical insights into Scotland’s healthcare delivery

Welcome Dinner

April 10 morning - mid-afternoon, venue: St Andrew’s House, Edinburgh
Innovation through Partnerships
Round-table discussion with public and private representatives from Scottish healthcare and life science

Triple Helix Collaboration
Speakers from Chief Scientist Office, Chief Medical Officer and the Swedish side
  • Strengthening partnerships between academia, healthcare, and industry
  • Case studies from both nations (5-minute presentations per country)
  • Discussion: Optimising the Triple Helix model for shared challenges: Are we using the triple helix structure enough, and well enough, to face the common challenges?  How can we make the triple helix better?
Adoption Strategies
Speakers from CivTech, NHS, Scottish & Swedish industry
  • Accelerating the implementation of research-backed solutions
  • Discussion: Overcoming barriers to innovation adoption.The role of government, healthcare systems, and industry in facilitating change
  • Identifying actionable steps for collaborative adoption
Sustainability & Healthcare
Speakers from Institute of Directors, NHS, Scottish government & Swedish representatives
  • Case studies on decarbonising healthcare
  • Discussion: Embedding sustainability into healthcare innovation
  • Identifying practical steps for sustainable transformation
Next Steps & Future Collaboration
  • Joint discussion on the upcoming visit to Sweden (tentatively September 2025)
  • Key focus areas for future collaboration
  • Outlining objectives and priorities for ongoing exchange


Dates: April 9-10 2025
Member delegation fee: 9,000 SEK (5,000 SEK for small Swecare members and public actors)
Non-member delegation fee: 9,000 SEK
Registration deadline:March 14
More info: For any questions regarding this business trip, please reach out by email or phone to Anna Riby or Paola Diamandieva.

If you have any ideas, issues to raise or contacts to invite, let us know now!