The Battle of Trelleborgen 2025 - registration form for participating Vikings and medieval reenactors
We are so happy to invite you back to Trelleborgen!
The market will be officially open 10 am to 5 pm,
Friday 4th of July – Sunday 6th of July.
At the market we want to recreate the Viking age as closely as possible. Any tent, attire, product or offer found not to meet standards will be, friendly, referred to the modern tent camp. After your registration we welcome you to send pictures of your equpiment, products and crafts to Add
your name and Battle of Trelleborgen as headline.
Selling in your stall or tent on the market is free of charge. However, we require that all visible equipment meets the standard for Viking Age reenactment, or medieval reenactment by the medieval house. Medieval re-enacting, activities or products are allowed only in a small area and around the medieval house. Medieval reenactors, please give us notice about your preferences in the application.
Date of registration
Application deadline is May 15th 2025.
All participants must register individually, except for children and young people under the age of 18 years old. Minors must register together with one of their parents. If you want to come as a group please select a contact person for your camp.
Please contact us by email before May 15th if you have any requests for special reasons or questions when it comes to accessibility and facilities. For example requests to park closer to the Viking Museum for special reasons.
As we get closer to the event, we will send more information to all of you who wants to participate. You will also find a more detailed program of the event at Trelleborgs Museum's website,
We really look forward to seeing you all this Summer!
Best regards
Linda and Amanda at the Viking Museum Trelleborgen