Impact Summit

Contact information
Are you able to attend?
This form will be closed when the event is full

Would you like to experience the exhibitions at the Ateneum Museum during the day?
We have saved free tickets to Ateneum Museum 01.04. for all who have registered to Impact Summit. Enjoy!

Do you have any food preferences?

Would you need a babysitter/nanny during the event?
No worries, it is taken care of. We have a playroom at the Ateneum where babysitters from Pilke Lastenhoito will organize different activities for kids during the event. How many kids would be attending?

If you are in need of a babysitter/nanny please write down the age(s) of the kids
This information will be used for planning age appropriate activities for the kids
Do you have any topics, themes or questions you would like to get answered at the event?
Anything else you would like to share for the event organizer?

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