Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
Danish-Baltic Cinema from Children to present day Baltic Film Festival in Aarhus
Film is one of the core areas for the work of the Danish Cultural Institute in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The film media has great potential for reaching out to a large number of viewers, because language barriers do not limit it. The film media allows us to present an idea, a part of a culture and even enlighten the viewers on certain topics (– without words). On the down side, the film media is often a one-way form of communication. With this challenge in mind, DCI has actively used the potential of the film media in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and stepped outside of the traditional cinematic form.
The institute has arranged film days since 2005 and has actively promoted Danish cinema in the Baltic States. The Institute focuses on children and youth and has arranged several film days, presenting Danish cartoons and films for the younger audience.
The focus on youth brought the Institute to bring Film-Y to Riga from April to May 2014. Film-Y is a portable film studio created by The Danish Film Institute in Latvia with the DFI and The National Film Centre of Latvia. The Film-Y project brought more than 1100 kids into the magical universe of film production and let them create their own films. The project ended up with a number of great movies, created by the children of Riga.
Central has been the Baltic Sea forum for documentaries; a Danish initiative now in its 19th year in Riga. Baltic and Nordic Film personalities meet to cooperate, discuss and develop their projects. Another similar initiative was The Riga Meetings; a meeting place for film and gaming professionals. DCI started this with Baltic and Nordic partners, and now it has taken on a life of its own. DCI cooperates with both initiatives, and the Forum will show Mikala Kroghs “Ekstra Bladet – Udenfor citat” will open this year’s forum followed by a discussion on Media Ethics, and Riga Meetings will have focus on Danish Marketing and scriptwriting experience and the interaction with Balts are of great value.
The cinematic scene of three Baltic States is great and is especially famous for its documentaries. For this reason, DCI has taken part in the organization of the Baltic Sea Forum for Documentaries in 2012 and will in 2016 launch a Baltic film festival in Aarhus, Denmark. The film festival in Aarhus will take place from 9-12 of January and will focus on the Soviet legacy in contemporary Baltic documentaries. The Danish audience will be presented with some of the greatest contemporary documentaries from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The film festival will involve artist talks and a workshop on the theme of the festival, thus securing that the cooperation will continue to flourish.
Photo: Film-Y
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