Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
The Sound of Art - Kirkegaard, Skjødt and Johansons in Dialogue
Sound art is an excellent example of how musical theory can be transformed into reality. Sound art is a hybrid art form that deals with the surroundings and attempts to fuse sound and space. Sound art is also a great example of the intercultural dialog that the Danish Cultural Institute supports and facilitates.
In both Denmark and in Latvia, the existence of sound artists is very present. One example is the Latvian festival Skaņu Mežs which is in the absolute top of European sound art festivals. When it comes to sound art, Danish and Latvian artists have great possibilities of exchanging their skills, methods and creativity. This is why the Institute has engaged in several cooperations with Skaņu Mežs utilizing it as an excellent platform for Danish sound artists to share their visions with Baltic artists.
Through a period of four years, Danish sound artist and composer Jacob Kirkegaard visited Latvia on several occasions. The Danish Cultural Institute has commissioned two sound art installations by Danish artist Christian Skjødt and Latvian artist Voldemars Johansons. They will be revealed during the festivities of the Institute’s 25 year jubilee.  
In the winter of 2015, Johansons travelled to the Faroe Islands to record the powerful ocean storms of the Northern Sea. These recordings resulted in the visual and sonic installation “Monument to the Ocean Storm”.
The project offers a truthful experience of ocean storms by placing the audience ‘in the middle of the storm’. Skjødt’s installation will interpret a piece by the Danish national composer Carl Nielsen in the occasion of Nielsen’s 150 years birthday. The installation splits a recording of Nielsen’s string quartet in F-mol (op.5) for the audience to ‘step into’ the piece by Nielsen. Nielsen brought Danish music into the 20th century; now Skjødt and the Danish Cultural Institute are bringing Nielsen into the 21st century.
Photo: Jacob Kirkegaard + Christian Skjødt (Sound art)
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