Velkommen til Åpen Fagkveld med Webstep Fokus!
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På høyde med det beste i utlandet.

Vi har faktisk hentet hjelp fra utlandet denne gangen, og invitert to kolleger fra vår avdeling i Malmø. Vi har vært så heldige å overtale Adam Tornhill og Fredrik Mörk til å komme over Kjølen.

De er blant Webstep Sveriges aller beste foredragsholdere. De har flere ganger tidligere snakket om disse emnene, blant annet på Øredev, til meget gode tilbakemeldinger. Vi gleder oss til å dele dette med dere!

Og best av alt: DET ER GRATIS!

NÅR: Torsdag 19/3
Vi starter det hele med servering av mat og drikke fra klokken 16.30.

Det faglige oplegget starter klokken 17.30 og varer i tre timer.

Etter dette spaserer vi til Beer Palace, og fortsetter der med sosialisering og øl.
HVOR: Felix Konferansesenter
Felix Konferansesenter ligger på Aker Brygge, rett ved nedkjørselen til parkeringshuset. Nøyaktig adresse er Bryggetorget 3. 

Oppmøte er i restauranten, som er en trapp ned. Både servering av mat og det faglige vil foregå her.
Webstep Fokus startet med våre Åpne Fagkvelder for seks år siden. I løpet av årene har dette blitt en viktig arena, både for oss og kundene våre. Det har blitt en fin arena for å dele kunnskap, men også en flott anledning til å møte andre folk fra bransjen, under svært uformelle omstendigheter.
Code that fits your brain:

How should code look to fit the way we think, remember and reason?

That is, code that is both easier to understand and maintain. To see what really works we need to look across languages and paradigms. Starting from common problematic constructs such as null references, surprising corner-cases and repetitive code, Adam will discuss the cognitive costs and consequences of each. He’ll then apply ideas from object-orientation, functional programming and lesser-known array languages to explore better approaches.   This session combines code in C#, Erlang and Clojure, with findings from different fields of psychology. You’ll leave with a high-level view of the principles behind code that fits our human way of thinking, together with an introduction to ideas like monads, remote error handling and embedded domain-specific languages.

Adam combines degrees in engineering and psychology to get a different perspective on the challenges of software. In his role as software consultant, he works as both an architect and a programmer. Adam also writes open-source software in a variety of programming languages. He’s the author of Your Code as a Crime Scene, has written the popular Lisp for the Web tutorial, and self-published a book on Patterns in C. His other interests include modern history, music and martial arts.

Do's and Don'ts with async in C#

Let’s dive into async/await and see how not to use it! 

Fredrik will showcase a handful of common scenarios where it’s easy to write code that is prone to deadlocks or simply not give you the performance benefit that you expect, clear out the cause and show you what to do instead.

Fredrik is a software developer from Sweden, working mainly in the .NET area. His assignments often contain a mix of being a developer, an architect and a mentor. He often works through all of the stack from the user experience down to the backend. He is also passionate about sharing his knowledge within as well as outside of his team and has spoken at both internal and external conferences. Fredrik works at Webstep in Malmö, Sweden and is found on twitter as @fmork.

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